School Nurse
Nicki Allison, BSN, RN, NCSN
School Nurse
The nurse is at Bell on Mondays, Thursdays, and alternating Wednesdays
What is School Nursing?
School nurses are employed by MAHEC. They serve both Asheville City and Buncombe County School systems. School nurses work together with students, families, and school staff to identify and follow-up on health related issues.
School nurses positively impact student health and academic performance by delivering school health services that include Health Education, prevention initiatives, injury and illness care, medication administration, chronic and complex condition management, trauma resiliency training, emergency preparedness and care coordination services.
Some Reasons to Visit the School Nurse
Illness/Not Feeling Well, Chronic Health Conditions, Allergic Reactions, Difficulty Breathing, Mental Health Concerns, Basic First Aid, Vomiting/Nausea, Injuries, Immunization Records and NC Health Assessments, Community Healthcare Resources, and Questions
This document outlines exclusion criteria which is useful in determining when to keep a child home from school.
Please contact the school if you have any questions.