Battle of the Books
The CCBES Battle of the Books team is an awesome group of dedicated 4th and 5th grade readers who meet each week at lunch time and work their way through a list of 16 titles in preparation for a district competition that takes place in early Spring. This is a statewide program and we are so excited to have a team from Bell to represent us!
To learn more about the program, visit the Battle of the Books website at
Elementary Battle of the Books Contract for CCBES, 2024-2025
1. This voluntary reading program is for fourth and fifth grade students.
2. There are sixteen books on the list for the 24-25 school year. Books are selected each year by the North Carolina School Library Media Association and are used in competitions across the state. In order to participate in the competition, students will need to read a minimum of EIGHT of the books. Twelve students advance to the competition that will be held in spring (date tba). The students who have read the most books by the time of the competition will compete. ALL students who participate in EBOB are valued and will be celebrated for their participation.
To remain on the CCBES Battle of the Books team, students must read (REVISED LIST BELOW!):
AT LEAST one book by November 12, 2024
AT LEAST two books by December 2, 2024
AT LEAST three books by January 6, 2025
AT LEAST four books by January 27, 2025
AT LEAST five books by February 17, 2025
AT LEAST six books by March 10, 2025
AT LEAST seven books by March 31, 2025
AT LEAST eight books by April 21, 2025
3. One completed keyword bookmark must be turned in on time for each completed book to serve as evidence that the book has been read. Keyword Bookmark information can be found here.
4. EBOB students will be expected to participate in practices held weekly in the media center during 4th (Mondays) and 5th grade (Wednesdays) lunch time. Students will be invited to bring their lunch (whether from home or from the cafeteria). Students who are unable to attend a practice should see Ms. Brown so their absence can be excused. The first practice will be MONDAY SEPTEMBER 16th for 4th and WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 18th for 5th!
5. Students will not have to purchase the books to be on the team. Books will be provided through the media center.
6. If a student no longer wants to participate in this program, he or she must inform Ms. Brown of his or her decision.
7. If a student loses one of the books, the student must either purchase a replacement copy or pay for the book.
8. Please sign and return the attached permission form on or before the first practice on Monday, September 16th.
Battle of the Books Junior!
Some schools offer an EBOB Junior version of this program to third graders and I’m proud to say that CC Bell is one of the schools in the district that is offering this program this year! EBOB Junior participants will read from a list of SIX TITLES. Participants must read at least five of these books in order to compete in the district competition which will be held in late spring (date tbd).
To remain on the CCBES Battle of the Books Junior team, students must read:
AT LEAST one book by January 13, 2025
AT LEAST two books by February 10, 2025
AT LEAST three books by March 3, 2025
AT LEAST four books by March 24, 2023
AT LEAST five books by April 14, 2023
EBOB Junior students meet on Mondays during their lunchtime starting on Monday December 9th. Information was sent home on December 2nd. Please get in touch with Ms. Brown with any questions. The list of books this year for EBOB Jr are:
Shine On, Luz Veliz! by Rebecca Balcarcel
The Fourteenth Goldfish by Jennifer L. Holm
Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin
Jack and the Geniuses: At the bottom of the world by Bill Nye and Gregory Mone
The Lost Library by Rebecca Stead and Wendy Mass
Save Me a Seat by Sarah Weeks and Gita Varadarajan

The amazing 23-24 Bell Elementary EBOB Team on the day of the competition!